Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Wetter winter predicted for Southeast Michigan this winter

(CBS DETROIT) – The winter outlook for this winter season has been issued by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center, and temperature patterns this winter look to be slightly above average for Southeast Michigan.
Precipitation is more likely this winter, as moisture content should be higher.
This overall outlook matches the ongoing forecast that suggests a La Niña pattern will develop by November.
More precipitation chances doesn’t mean more snowfall necessarily. Rainy days, snowfall and even some freezing rain conditions are all possible in winter forecasts like these.
La Niña doesn’t tend to have an overly large effect on our temperatures, despite a chance at slightly warmer conditions overall.
More often than not, our conditions remain close to normal aside from an increase in wet days or moisture available for precipitation.
While our outlooks offer a guide to what we can expect, our weather each day can change due to minute details.
Snow can fall in different types depending on the temperature at the time.
We’ve all had to shovel that very heavy snowfall that clogs our snow blowers, or that snow that is dusty and blows around with the lightest wind.
Day-to-day, our snowfall forecasts will greatly depend on these small intricate details, so overall season outlooks don’t do well in giving things like snow amounts or even individual storm chances.
Day-to-day temperatures and moisture amounts also affect what kind of wintry precipitation we may see. A little warm air mixed in the middle of the atmosphere can change snow to sleet or freezing rain.
The bottom line is we will always monitor the forecast and bring the NEXT Weather conditions to expect each and every day.
